Tribute from One Giant to Another
Once in a great while, that is if fortune and favor happens to smile in your direction, you are blessed to encounter someone who will have a profound and magical impact upon the trajectory of your life and its subsequent development. Someone who seemingly appears out of nowhere, and like storm clouds forming on the horizon, they become an irresistible force to be reckoned with.
Arthur Crames was indeed such an individual in every sense of the word. A real life, dyed in the wool John Wayne-like character, fully equipped with all the whimsical gusto and manly bravado that one would expect from an Earnest Hemingway-type reincarnation. Such an individual, as in the case of Mr. Crames, commanded respect, admiration and loyalty as the unrequested price of admission merely to be in his presence. And like toll fare on the Jersey Turnpike, those of us who desired to remain in close proximity, gladly relinquished payment for the honor and privilege.
Myself, as a former professional athlete, Art guided and instructed me in how to navigate a post NFL career, and succeed in the demanding and competitive world of business. He represented calm seas in the midst of a stormy tempest. His advice was always sound, and his tolerance for mediocrity was simply nonexistent. He did so with a firm and steady persistence, and was careful to intermix equal portions of praise with admonishment whenever required. Unfortunately, neither time nor capacity will allow me the opportunity to completely reveal the countless lessons which Art selflessly imparted to me, and hundreds of others. However, needless to say, that we are all far better off for having had the privilege of his magnificent tutelage.
Additionally, Art was completely adamant that "Charity" should be a required byproduct of success, and he himself tirelessly contributed to so many individuals and organizations aspiring to make a better life for themselves or others. Be it the US Military, local and national law enforcement, or countless halls of higher education and charitable institutions, Art was indeed the financial lifeblood to many such organizations and individuals that are indeed indebted to the spirit and unbridled kindness of Mr. Arthur Crames.
In closing, I whole heartedly believe that Art taught

me countless lessons about the complexities of life, but please make no mistake about it, the greatest lesson that I learned from Art was how to depart life courageously, and to do so with superb grace and dignity. At the end of a wonderful life well spent and filled with endless episodes of joy and accomplishments. In the closing moments of life, to be surrounded by "Your soulmate and the love of your life" and cherish the bond which has held you two together for a lifetime, along with the modern-day lineage which represents the entire Crames family, carefully mixed in with the loving support of the closest of friends, is the most profound demonstrations of one’s final farewell tribute. That is the lesson that I will remember and cherish most of all, and for that Mr. Crames, I will love you forever.